Text - James 5:7-12
In the first six verses of this chapter we saw how James condemned those who were misusing their wealth. In these next six verses we find James comforting those who were being abused. In doing this he shows us that we need to have a patient attitude when things go wrong in our life.
There are two words used for patience in the Bible.
Makrothumeo refers to being long tempered or patiently enduring difficult people.
Hupomone which refers to patiently enduring difficult circumstances.
A man in a supermarket was pushing a cart which contained, among other things, a screaming baby. As the man proceeded along the aisles, he kept repeating softly, "Keep calm, George. Don't get excited, George. Don't yell, George."
A lady watched with admiration and then said, "You are certainly to be commended for your patience in trying to keep little George quiet."
"Lady," he said, "I'm George!"
Trouble is an inevitable part of life. James realized that all of us have the potential to react the wrong way when things go wrong. He knew that in the face of trials I could loose my patience with my circumstances, with other people and maybe even with God Himself. So he shows us seven ways to respond.
In order to be patient when things go wrong...