Text- Hebrews 3:1-6


During this year our church has set aside the first Sunday of each month to emphasize our theme and goals.

This year our theme is, "Putting Jesus First" and our goals for 1989 is to increase our Sunday school attendance to 109 in 89; to increase our Sunday school enrollment to 125 and increase our church membership with ten new families.

If we expect to achieve these goals (and I believe we can) we must be willing to put Jesus first in our lives.

To help us understand why we should do this I have been preaching  a series of sermons from the book of Hebrews on the preeminence of Jesus.

The book of Hebrews shows us how Jesus is superior to all others.

Already in our study we have seen how Jesus is superior to the prophets, as well as superior to the angels.

In January we looked at the importance of putting Jesus first in our lives.

Then in February we looked at putting Jesus first in our love.

This morning our text is found in Hebrews 3:1-6 and the title of my message is, "Putting Jesus First in Our Church".

There is a story about three boys who were bragging about their fathers and comparing them to one another. The first boy said, "My father takes a bath two times a week." "That's nothing," said the second boy. "My father takes a bath three times a week." "Oh yeah?" said the third boy, "My dad keeps himself so clean that he never has to take a bath."

Here in our text we Jesus is compared to Moses, one of the greatest leaders Israel ever had.

As human beings it is easy to claim greatness when we compare ourselves to other human beings.

Yet, when we compare ourselves to Jesus, we see how inferior we are and how superior he is.

How though can we put Jesus first in our church?

Here in our text we are told to focus on three superior characteristics concerning Jesus.