Text- Hebrews 5:11-6:3


This morning our church is emphasizing our 1989 theme.

During this year we have been focusing on the topic of "Putting Jesus First".

Each first Sunday of the month has been designated as "Priority Sunday".

To understand the need to put Jesus first in our lives we have been studying from the book of Hebrews about the preeminence of Jesus.

As we have been concentrating on this theme it is our goal to be able to increase our Sunday school attendance to 109 in 1989 and our Sunday school enrollment to 125 as well as disciple ten new families into our church.

While we haven't achieved all of them as yet, we have surpassed last year's record Sunday school attendance of 85 with 158 in our Easter services this year.

Our educational director brother Jim VanHorn  promised us that if we did this he would sing "Father Abraham" for us.

As we have stressed the theme of "Putting Jesus First" it is very evident that many people are not willing to do this.

Even some within our own church are hesitant to put Jesus first.

Perhaps one reason for this is because of the tremendous amount of negative influence we all receive from a society that has put the things that should be first, last and the things that should be last, first.

For example, if a child gets up at 6 am to do his paper route people say that he is an enterprising young person. But if the same child was asked to get up at 6 am to do some work for the Lord some would say, "That's expecting to much."

If a woman spends eight hours a day working away from home in an office she is called energetic and helpful. But if the same woman was willing to do the same thing for the lord some people would say, "Religion has gone to her head."

If someone decides to make a payment of $100.00 a month for something they bought on credit for their enjoyment, they pay willingly. But if the same person put that amount in the offering plate each month, some people would say their crazy.

As children of God we need to put Jesus first in our lives no matter what the rest of the world may think about it.

This morning our text is found in Hebrews 5:11-6:3 and the title of my message is, “Be Mature by Putting Jesus First".

As we look at these verses this morning I would like us to notice six different characteristics of maturity that can be seen in those who put Jesus first in their lives.