Text- Hebrews 7:1-8
During 1989 our church theme is, "Putting Jesus First".
As we have emphasized this theme we have been studying from the book of Hebrews every first Sunday of the month.
The reason why this book was chosen was because it focuses on the preeminence of Jesus and declares him to be better.
Our text this morning is found in Hebrews 7:1-10 and the title of my message is, "Putting Jesus First in Your Giving."
A little boy swallowed a coin and his young mother was so afraid that she yelled to her husband, "Hurry, go get the doctor". The father replied, "No, I think we should send for the preacher". "The preacher? You don't think he's going to die, do you?" exclaimed the mother. "Oh, no," the husband replied quickly. "But you know our preacher- he can get money out of anybody!"
When we as children of God put Jesus first in our lives there will be a change in our giving habits.
As a result, the preacher won’t have to try to get money out of you, nor will the church treasurer have to beg to get money out of you, but rather, we will have a willingness to give.
Here in our text Paul uses a little known character called Melchizedek to show us the preeminence of Jesus Christ.
All that we know about Melchizedek is located in three passages; Genesis 14:17-20, Psalm 110:4 and Hebrews chapters 5-7.
The most detailed information about him is found here in our text.
Basically there are two schools of thought concerning the identity of this man.
Some say that Melchizedek was what is called a "theophany" or a physical manifestation of the preincarnate Christ.
In other words he was literally Jesus Christ.
Others believe that Melchizedek was not literally Jesus, but rather a type of Jesus.
Whatever position you take the focus is the same.
Jesus is better and deserves to be first.
As we study this passage I would like us to look at Melchizedek and learn five principles that will help you put Jesus first in your giving.