Text- Hebrews 8:6-13
Through this year our church is emphasizing as our theme the need to put Jesus first in our lives.
In emphasizing the importance of putting Jesus first in our lives we have been studying from the book of Hebrews which presents his superiority and preeminence.
This morning our text is found in Hebrews 8:6-13.
Throughout the book of Hebrews we have seen many different ways and reasons why we need to put Jesus first in our lives.
Here in our text we find that Jesus deserves to be first in our lives because of his superior covenant.
The word "covenant" literally means, "an agreement that is made between two parties."
Within this passage there are two different covenants mentioned.
One is called the "first covenant" and refers to the old testament covenant God made with the nation of Israel and was conditional upon their obedience to the Old Testament laws.
The other is called the "new covenant" and which refers to the new testament.
Both contain the promises of God, but the new covenant has better promises.
Tonight I would like us to look at five promises God has given to us.