Text- Hebrews 12:28,29
This morning the title of my message is, "Put Jesus First in Your Gratitude" and our text is found in Hebrews 12:28,29.
This morning I'm going to continue with my series of sermons from the book of Hebrews which I have been preaching during our theme Sunday services this year.
Hebrews is a book within the Bible that primarily emphasizes the preeminence of Jesus and why he should be first in our lives.
The theme of our church this year has been, "Putting Jesus First" and I pray you have become more aware of how important it is for us to do this.
I firmly believe that if every member in our church put Jesus first in their lives that we would be flabbergasted by the blessings God would pour out upon us as individuals as well as a church family.
As we've studied this book we have learned many ways in which Jesus deserves to be first in our lives.
During the month of November people every where in the United States are going to be focusing on and preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving.
Often times we neglect to give thanks to God in our daily life, until we are reminded that Thanksgiving isn't something we celebrate just once a year, but rather every day of our lives.
A pastor reported in the Sunday bulletin that nine people from the congregation had been lost at sea. When the congregation read it they were shocked and amazed. The pastor told them, "Well, eleven people requested prayer for their trip, and only two asked me to give thanks for their safe return, so I assumed that the other nine were lost at sea."
Are you as thankful to Jesus as you ought to be? Have you put Jesus first in your gratitude?
How do you respond to god when he blesses you? How do respond to the Lord for the thinks he has granted to you and for the things you have received from him?
Most of us are eager to ask god to do something for us, but then we fail to thank him for what he has done for us.
As we examine these two verses I would like us to think about three ways to express your gratitude to God.