Text- Luke 16:19-31
This morning out text is found in Luke 16:19-31 and the title of my message is, “What Happens after Death.”
Within the book of Job which we have been studying this past quarter in our Sunday School classes there is a question raised concerning the destiny of an individual after death.
Job 14:10 but man dies and lies prostrate. Man expires, and where is he? (NASB)
This is an age old question that only the Bible is able to answer.
Today there are basically four different views taught concerning what happens to someone after they die.
• The annihilation view - For many today death is viewed as the end of all things. To many death is thought of as being so final.
• The reincarnation view - This is a view that teaches that after someone dies their spirit or soul enters another person or animal and is recycled.
• The soul sleep view - This is another erroneous view which mistakenly teaches that when the body goes to sleep in death that the spirit does also.
• The immortality view - This is the correct view in my opinion. It teaches that when one dies their spirit departs from their body to either heaven or hell.
As we study our text you will discover several very basic teachings that Jesus points out.
• Death is real and not just a state of mind.
• Life after death is real.
• Hell is real and not an imaginary place or simply here on earth.
• Heaven is real and not a fairy tale or fantasy land.
• There is no change in man’s destiny after death or no second chances
Before we look at our text it is important that we understand the setting of our text so that we can better understand what Jesus was teaching.
In Luke 16:1-13 Jesus taught his disciples a lesson in stewardship through the story of the unjust steward.
He continues this same lesson he further enforces it through the story of the rich man and Lazarus.
Let’s look now at what our text says about the rich man and Lazarus and what happens after death.