Text- Ecclesiastes 8:10-17
It is interesting how frequently I hear people complain about life in general.
Two women were discussing marriage, and one said, "We've been married ten years, and every night my husband has complained about dinner. Not one night without complaining about the food."
The other woman said, "That's awful. Doesn't it bother you?"
The first one replied, "Oh, no. Not in the slightest."
"You must be a saint!" commented the second.
To which, the first woman replied, "Why should I object? I enjoy his cooking just fine."
It is quite apparent that there are many people today who are lacking genuine joy in their daily lives.
Some of these may not be believers in Jesus Christ, but I am convinced that a large number are Christians who don't know what to do in order to enjoy life.
Here in the last part of chapter eight Solomon gives us insight into how to enjoy life by doing three things. Let's look now at our text and learn how to enjoy life. Solomon says that if I want to enjoy life I have to...