Text- Luke 12:35-48


Each morning when I begin my message I usually say, "It is good to see each one of you here this morning."

This morning that salutation is very significant in light of some current interest that has been generated among the religious community concerning the second coming of Jesus Christ.

In a book entitled "88 Reasons Why the Rapture Could be in 1988" Edgar Whisenant a former NASA rocket engineer uses mathematical calculations and biblical interpretation to predict that second coming of Jesus Christ would occur between September 10th and 12th which was the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah.

Now you know why I said, "It sure is good to see all of you here today".

In the September 12, 1988 issue of the Orange County Register there was an article titled, "Faithful Await the `Rapture' this Week" in which it was said that, "The prospect (of Christ's second coming) increased attendance Sunday at some churches... some Orange County pastors, however, said they hadn't seen any increase in their congregations."

This morning the title of my message is, "The Second Coming And You" and our text is found in Luke 12:35-48.

The doctrine of the second coming of Christ has long been one of the fundamental teachings of the Lord's churches.

While some may disagree as to when the Lord is coming, if we are truly Christians we should all agree that he is coming.

This morning I would like us to look at two problems found in our text that relate to the second coming of Jesus Christ and you.  Let’s look now and see what we can learn concerning the second coming of Jesus Christ.