Methods For Witnessing Part 2
Text - Romans 5:1
Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. (NIV)
Tonight I am going to continue with my mini series of messages on the topic of "How to Witness to an Unbeliever."
A patient, while recovering in the hospital from a heart attack, met this over-zealous evangelist. After listening politely for over a half an hour on how thankful he should be to have been spared, and how he should repent at once, he was asked if all of his sins had flashed before his eyes during the heart attack. The patient responded, "Don't be ridiculous, the attack only lasted 6 hours!"
Last Wednesday night we looked at a method that Billy Graham has been using for decades to reach 10,s if not 100's of thousands of people throughout the world. It was called "The Four Steps To Peace With God."
It is important to understand that it is not the method you use that will win a person to Christ. An unbeliever responds to the conviction of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God as He uses people and various kinds of methods and materials to reach lost people.
The methods and materials I am presenting in this series will simply help you witness more effectively.
I believe that most Christians today would probably like to talk to people about Christ, but they just don't know how to get started. In order to do this you need to understand two important keys.
First, you need to be willing to take the initiative and not wait for the unbeliever to approach you. Within the Bible there are several examples of this. The two most notable ones deal with Jesus when He witnessed to the Samaritan woman in John 4 and Paul when he witnessed to the philosophers on Mars Hill in Acts 17. In both of these cases they took the initiative and began the conversation.
Second, you need to have a plan or some kind of method to lead the person to Christ.
Tonight I would like us to consider a method that has been very effective and has been made popular by a man named Bill Bright who is the founder of an organization called, "Campus Crusade for Christ." It is a method known as, "The Four Spiritual Laws" and has been used to reach 100's of thousands of people for Christ.
Like Billy Graham's method, it too begins by asking a question. Instead of asking "Do you know the steps to peace with God?" it asks, "Have you heard of the four spiritual laws?" and then goes on to explain that just as there are physical laws that govern the physical universe, so are there spiritual laws that govern your relationship with God.