Text - Matthew 28:16-20


This morning our text is found in Matthew 28:16-20 and the title of my message is, "Some Things Never Change".

A musician went to see his aged music teacher. During the visit, the elderly mentor struck a tuning fork and said, "That is 'A.'"  Just then, from the floor above came the voice of a singer. "She sings sharp," said the old teacher.  He paused for a moment, then lifted the tuning fork again.  The second time he struck it he said, "But this is 'A'--always has been, always will be--440 vibrations per second.  It will be the same 5,000 years from now."  And that's the way it is with the Word of God: it is constant and unchangeable.

Psalm 119:89 Forever, O Lord, your Word stands firm in heaven. (LB)

That’s also true concerning the Great Commission.  It has never changed. And yet, as we look around us this morning as well as throughout our community it is quite evident, or at least it should be, that there are many people who do not know Jesus as their personal savior and have not come to know the truths of God's word.

Why is this?  Many reasons can be given.  In fact if I was to ask each one of you to give me a reason for this I would probably get just as many different answers.

Some might try to blame those who are lost and claim the reason is because of their own unwillingness and pride.  Others perhaps might even blame it on God.  Many times however, the reason why we do not see people saved is because of us. Many times it is because we ourselves are not attempting to reach those who are lost.

An elderly man, Luigi Tarisio, was found dead one morning in his home.  He had scarcely a comfort or a luxury, but stored in his attic were 246 valuable violins!  The very best of the collection, fashioned by a master craftsman, was hidden in the bottom drawer of a rickety old chest.  It was an exquisite 147-year-old Stradivarius!  Obviously Tarisio cherished the instruments greatly, but his love for them withheld from the world the beautiful music they might have produced.

Something as valuable as the word of God should never bee kept from the rest of the world.  As cherished as it may be by us as Christians we have a responsibility to proclaim it to those who do not know Jesus.

Over the years there have been many different ways Christians have done this.  With the passing of time, the changing of our culture we must always vary the way we proclaim God’s word so that we can reach the most people.  For instance, churches used to use hymn books, now they use big screens.  Churches used to sit and listen to the pastor preach, now the congregation uses message notes and fill in the answers.  Now churches not only project the message onto a big screen but they also use multiple translations and illustrate the message with videos.

While today’s church is not our grandfather’s church, and many things have changed in the way the message is presented, there are some things that have never changed and should never change.

This morning I’d like us to look at four elements of the Great Commission that have never changed and are still the same today.