Text- Psalm 126:6
Basically there are two different kinds of witnesses that we can be for the Lord. We can be either good ones or we can be bad ones.
What does it take to reach those who are unbelievers? Are there any special abilities or qualities that we need to have in order to be an effective witness for the Lord? What do we have to do to see people accept the Lord as their savior?
Psalm 126:6 He who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his bag of seed, Shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him. (NASB)
Captain Cook, the great English explorer, is said to have taken with him on his many voyages different kinds of seeds from his native land. His crew noted that he would plant them every time he set foot on foreign soil. He would leave the boat, and without fanfare he would quietly scatter them wherever he thought they would be most likely to thrive. Thus in faraway places where no British subjects dwelt and no British flag waved, flowers and herbs of England began to flourish.
God intends that in a world hostile to His love the truth of His Word should fall on the good ground of receptive hearts and spring up and grow.
Here in our text we find four basic and very simple things that we must do if we want to reach unbelievers for the Lord and see people saved. What are these four things?