Text - Matthew 10:24-25


This morning I am going to begin a series of messages that I will be preaching throughout the month of March on the subject of discipleship.

Some of the topics that I will be speaking on during the month are:

    •    Becoming a disciple
    •    Serving as a disciple
    •    Witnessing as a disciple
    •    Bearing fruit as a disciple
    •    Following as a disciple

If I asked you if you were a disciple of Jesus Christ, I would imagine that most, if not all of you would answer, yes.

Before you answer this question, I would like you to understand what kind of requirements Christ lays upon those who want to become one of his disciples.

When we speak about discipleship many people fail to realize that we are not just speaking about salvation.  One may be saved, but still not be a disciple of Jesus Christ,  But all those who are disciples of Jesus are saved.

Salvation is an essential part of becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ, but when we speak about discipleship, we are speaking about a person’s relationship to Jesus not only as savior, but as Lord and master of their life.

Within the gospels we find more than 250 references made about disciples.

When we study these accounts it is easy to see the relationship which existed between Jesus and his disciples was a very personal and intimate relationship.

The word “disciple” is translated from the Greek word “mathetes” and means, “a learner, a pupil or follower”.

Discipleship does not depend so much on what we have received from Christ as our savior, as much as, on what we are willing to give to him as his followers.

Let’s look now at what the Bible says we must be willing to do in order to become a disciple of Jesus Christ.