Text- John 17:18; John 20:21
This morning I am going to continue my series of sermons that I have been preaching this month on the subject of "discipleship".
The subject of discipleship is frequently discussed among God's people. Yet, it is still a subject that many people misunderstand. To often, people erroneously equate discipleship with just being salvation.
Because of this, many children of God are confused about their relationship with Jesus Christ and are invited to become a disciple without a clear understanding of the concept and requirements that the lord places on those who want to become one of his disciples.
In my first two messages we learned what we as children of God must be willing to do if we want to become a disciple of Jesus Christ and also what it means to serve as a disciple. This morning our text is found in two separate passages of scripture.
Our first reading is found in John 17:18 and our second reading is in John 20:21.
John 17:18 As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world. (NIV)
John 20:21 Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you."
Here in John 17 we find Jesus praying to the Father concerning his disciples and stating a principle. In John 20 we find Jesus speaking to his disciples and putting this principle into practice.
In both of these passages it is clear to see that in the same way that the Father sent Jesus into the world the first time, Jesus has sent you and I into the world to witness as his disciples.
One day a rancher in West Texas, all excited about everything he had been learning in his discipleship training class, prayed for someone he could tell about Christ. Soon out of the wide Texas sky a helicopter appeared and landed in his pasture. The pilot announced he was out of fuel. The rancher drove him 30 miles to the nearest gas station. "I had a captive audience," he later told his friends.
The title of my message this morning is, "Witnessing as a Disciple" and I would like us to examine two aspects of Jesus’ first coming into the world that show us the way we are to witness as his disciples today.