Text- John 15:1-17
This morning I am going to continue with my series of sermons that I have been preaching on the subject of "Discipleship".
Thus far in this series we have seen what the Bible says about "Becoming a Disciple", "Serving as a Disciple", and "Witnessing as a Disciple".
This morning I would like us to examine what the Bible says about, "Bearing Fruit as a Disciple". Our text is found in John 15:1-17.
Here in this passage we find Jesus within the upper room with his disciples once again teaching them a lesson on the importance of bearing fruit.
In Atlanta, the main thoroughfare running through the heart of the city is named "Peachtree." Other lesser streets are called "Peachtree Circle, " "Peachtree Road," and "Peachtree Place." In keeping with that name, one of the leading department stores places a row of live peach trees in front of the building every spring. They are neatly boxed and trimmed, and their bright green leaves are a welcome sight as one drives down the avenue. But all of this loveliness is little more that outward adornment. No-one has ever picked a single peach from any of the branches. Why? There aren't any! There's a lot of foliage, but no fruit. As disciples of Jesus we are to bring forth fruit in keeping with their profession.
In teaching about bearing fruit Jesus used the analogy that would have been very familiar to his disciples.
John 15:1 I am the true vine, and My Father is the vinedresser. (NASB)
In this figure we find Jesus portrayed as a vine, the father portrayed as a vinedresser, and his disciples as the branches on the vine.
In our text we find four different degrees of fruit bearing.
A. No fruit- vs 2a
B. Bearing fruit- vs 2b
C. Bearing more fruit- vs 2c
D. Bearing much fruit- vs 5,8
Which one of these categories best describes you as a disciple of Jesus Christ?
In order to bear fruit as a disciple of Jesus Christ there are certain conditions we must meet that will enhance the fruit bearing process,
Let's look this morning at three conditions that are necessary for bearing fruit as a disciple of Jesus Christ.