Revelation 2:18-29

Tonight I am going to continue with my series of messages from the Book of Revelation on “Getting Ready For Your Future.”  Our text is found in Revelation 2:18-29 and the title of my message is, “Your Future And Your Principles.”

As we get ready to enter the 21st Century we need to make some decisions today about how we are going to live our life and what our moral values are going to be.  If you wait until you are confronted with a moral dilemma you will more than likely make the wrong choices.  While you might know how to count, learning and doing what counts is better.

In a recent USA Today snapshot it was revealed that approximately  60% of adult Americans say that declining moral values is the most serious problem facing our country today.  Most all of the presidential candidates recognize this and are using it as a major theme in their campaigns.  A September 10, 1999 USA Today article titled, “Hopefuls emphasize religious themes” begins by saying, “Discussion of religion, values and morality is increasingly a part of the 2000 presidential campaign.”

At the beginning of each one of these letters to the seven churches of Asia Jesus gives us a description of Himself that helps us to understand what He thinks about these churches.

Revelation 2:18, “And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write:
The Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet are like burnished bronze, says this:”

Jesus is described this way because He has a message of judgment for the church in Thyatira concerning their lack of moral values and because they have compromised their principles.

3 Descriptions Of Jesus As Judge

His DEITY is described.  This is seen by the phrase “Son of God.”  This is the only time this phrase is found in the entire book of Revelation.  In Revelation 1:13 Jesus is described as the Son of Man standing in the middle of the seven churches or lamp stands.  That describes His humanity, tenderness and love.  But here in relationship to the church of Thyatira He is described as the “Son of God” which shows us His deity because He is not coming to help them but to judge them.  When a church disregards what Christ says He stops being their companion and become their judge.
His DISCERNMENT is described. This is seen in that His “eyes were like a flame of fire.”  There is nothing more penetrating than fire.  It consumes everything in its path.  The eyes of the Lord see everything.  They penetrate through the walls of our heart and reveal everything that is hidden.

Jeremiah 16:17, “I can see everything you are doing, even if you try to hide your sins from me.” (CEV)

His DOMINANCE is described.  This is seen in how “His feet are like burnished bronze.”  One day the Bible tells us that Jesus is going to crush seen beneath His feet.  Bronze pictures two things about Jesus.  First, is shows us that He is strong enough to do this.  Second, it shows us that He is the only one pure enough to judge this church.

(Turn To)  1 Peter 4:17, “For it is time for judgment to begin with the household of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God?”

Through this description we can see that Jesus is not going to tolerate sin within His church and therefore, neither should we.

So the question tonight is, “How do I maintain my morals” in order to avoid God’s judgment?