Text- John 15:5
Good morning everyone. This morning we’re going to try doing some fun things. It’s alright to have fun in church, isn’t it? I think God is alright with that.
I have three things we are going to try that I don’t think you’ll be able to do. Are you ready to prove me wrong? Good!
First, I’d like you to hum the tune, “Jesus loves me.” Now, while you’re humming, I’d like you to pinch your nose closed and keep your mouth closed. Just as I thought, you can’t continue humming.
For the second thing, I need a volunteer to sit in this chair. Now I’d like you to fold your arms and stand up without leaning forward. You have to stand straight up. Just as I thought, you can’t do that either.
Now, I’d like everyone to hold your hand out in front of you and rotate it clockwise. Now, with your right foot flat on the ground, I’d like you to move it clockwise. Now, only change the direction your right hand without changing the direction of your foot. Just as I thought, you can’t do that either.
Thank you all for your participation. I had you do those three exercises to show that there are some things that are impossible to do.
This morning the title of my message is, "Things That Are Impossible Without Jesus". My text for this series of sermons is found in John 15:5.
John 15:5 I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. (NIV)
Here in this verse Jesus tells his disciples that nothing can be done without him. Today as God's people, we owe everything to Jesus. Without him, where would we be?
In studying for this message I found 25 different things mentioned in the Bible that are impossible without Jesus. Today were going to look at six of them. What is impossible without Jesus?