How To Give To God
Text- Acts 20:35
As you have probably already heard, our church is experiencing some financial difficulties at this time. As a church, like any other organization, money is required to keep it going. Like any other organization we as a church have certain financial obligations that must be met each month. In order for us to do this, it takes money.
A preacher once walked into a newspaper office in North Carolina and said, "Mr. Editor there are forty-seven in our congregation that subscribe to your paper. Does that entitle me to put a church notice in your Saturday paper? The editor told the preacher to sit down and write the article. This is what the article said. "Mount Moriah Baptist Church, the Rev. John Obadiah, Pastor, preaching morning and evening. In the furtherance of the Gospel there are three books that are necessary: the Bible, the hymn book, and the pocket book, come tomorrow and bring all three."
Next Sunday we are going to receive a special offering to help offset our financial deficit and it is my prayer that you too will bring all three and be prepared to give.
For the next three weeks we are going to be in a series called, “Giving God’s Way”. This morning our text is found in Acts 20:35 and the title of my message this morning is "How To Give To God".
Acts 20:35 I have shown you in all things that by working hard in this way we must help the weak, remembering the words that the Lord Jesus himself said, “There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.” (TEV)
Do you really believe that? That there is more happiness in giving than receiving? Do you know how to be happy? How to have a happy church? How to be a happy Christian? It is by giving to God the way he intended for us to give.
Matthew 5:6 Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully! (TEV)
Isn’t it amazing how money has the potential to make us happy and unhappy? When you are giving to God the way he wants you to, you’re going to be happy. Real, lasting satisfaction comes from doing what God tells you to do, especially in the area of your finances. What does God want me to do with my money? How does he want me to give? This morning we are going to look at three ways we are to give to God.