Text- Genesis 22:1-19
Recently while listening to the radio something happened that helped me decide upon the message I am going to preach this morning.
As I listened, the announcer stated, “The following is a test. During the next 30 seconds this station will be conducting a test".
After this announcement there was a long beep followed by another announcement.
The announcer stated, "This has only been a test. In the event of a real emergency you
would have been given further instructions.'
As I listened to this, it occurred to me that many times this is the same thing that God says to us a his children.
Our text this morning is found in Genesis 22:1-19 and the title of my message is, “Faith Under Fire".
As children of God we are not exempt from experiencing trials in our lives.
Often times people have the ideal that just because they have accepted Jesus as their savior or have become a member of one of the Lord's churches that all their troubles or trials are over.
This morning I would like us to examine how that a man named Abraham was tested and tried even though he was a child of God and a man of faith.
As we study this passage I would like us to notice four things concerning Abraham's faith that we can apply to our lives today.