Text- Psalm 29:3-9


This morning our text is found in Psalm 29:3-9 and the title of my message is, "The Voice From Calvary".

Many things can be learned from what a person says on their deathbed.  Listed below are a few famous people and what they said just before they died.

"Why are you weeping? Did you imagine that I was immortal?" – Louis XIV (1638-1715);  "May I not seem to have lived in vain." – Tycho Brahe (1546-1601);  "I'm going now. My time has come."    — Daniel Boone (1734—1820);  "God will pardon me. It is His trade." – Heinrich Heine (1797—1856);  On being urged to make his peace with God.  "I did not know that we had ever quarreled." – Henry David Thoreau (1817-62), US writer; Upon accepting his brother's belief that there is no life after Death.  "I think you're right, Wyatt. I can't see a God damn thing. " – Morgan Earp (1851-1882);  "Oh my, it's very beautiful over there."    — Buy at Amazon.comThomas Edison (1847—1931); After being shot in place of Franklin Delano Roosevelt. "I'm glad it was me and not you, Mr. President." – Anton Cermak (1873-1933);  "I should never have switched from Scotch to Martinis."  – Humphrey Bogart (1899—1957); "I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter." –  Winston Churchill (1874—1965); "Either I'm dead or my watch has stopped." – Groucho Marx (1890-1977), comedian.

This morning I would like us to look at the things Jesus said while he was on the cross of Calvary.

When we combine the accounts of the Gospels we find that Jesus said 7 different things while he was on the cross.  While all of these things could fit on just one piece of paper, what is revealed in them could fill volumes.

John 21:25 There are many other things that Jesus did. If every one of them were written down, I think the whole world would not be big enough for all the books that would be written. (ICB)

Let's look now at the things Jesus said from the cross of calvary and what they reveal for our lives today.