Text- John 21:1-17


This morning my sermon text is found in John 21:1-17 and the title of my sermon is, "Lessons On Serving Jesus".

Here in these verses we find the last miracle Jesus performed here on earth.  Not only does John record the last miracle Jesus performed but he also records his first miracle.  Let's compare these two miracles.

In John 2:1-11 we find Jesus turning the water into wine.  Where was this miracle performed?  In verse 1 we find that it was in "Cana of Galilee".

The last miracle that Jesus performed was also done in Galilee.  Why did Jesus perform the first miracle?  In John 2:3 we find that the reason was because there wasn't any wine.  The reason why Jesus did this last miracle was because there wasn't any fish.

This is a very important miracle in the lives of the disciples.  Most of the miracles Jesus did benefited those who were lost in some way.  Often Jesus did a miracle just so they could see that he was truly God and would believe in him.

But this miracle wasn’t done for the benefit of unbelievers.  It was done for the benefit of the disciples of Jesus Christ.

John 21:1-2 After these things Jesus manifested Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and He manifested Himself in this way.  2 Simon Peter, and Thomas called Didymus, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two others of His disciples were together. (NASB)

The time context of these verses we are going to look at this morning is set between the resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ.  John says “After these things”.  What things?  The things spoken of in John chapter 20.

While we can not say exactly when this miracle took place, we do know that it was after Jesus had appeared two other times to His disciples in John 20:19-29.  In fact in John 21:14 we are told that this was "the third time Jesus was manifested to the disciples, after He was raised from the dead".

Where did this miracle take place?  It was “at the sea of Tiberias” which is actually just another name for the sea of Galilee.  Tiberias was the capital city of Galilee and therefore was associated with the sea of Galilee.

Why were the disciples in Galilee at this time?  When Jesus arose from the dead, and angel told the women who came to the tomb, "He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He was lying".

After this, in Matthew 28:7 the angel told the women, "God quickly and tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead and behold He is going before you into Galilee, there you will see Him; behold I have told you".

The reason why the disciples were in Galilee was because this was where Jesus was going to meet them.  Who was present on this occasion?  Verse 1 says that the disciples were there.  Here in Galilee by the sea of Tiberias, Jesus manifested Himself to seven of His

    1) Simon Peter
    2) Thomas
    3) Nathanael
    4) James
    5) John
    6) Two others; possibly Philip and Andrew

There is a very important reason why the disciples needed to see this miracle.  This was an important time in their lives.  It was a turning point in their lives.  They could either continue to be just fishermen or they could do what Jesus commanded them to do and be fishers of men.

The disciples were about to learn available lesson as they took the place of Jesus in the world and spread the Gospel to others.

Let's look more closely now at our text in John chapter 21 and learn four practical lessons on serving Jesus from this miracle.