Text- 2 Chronicles 7:14


What does the word “revival” mean and what is a revival?

The word revival actually means,"to bring back to life or consciousness", as when a person faints and is revived.

There are many ideas as to what a revival is.  Some say that it is a time when people get saved.

But if this is all a revival is, then there is no value in a revival for those who are already saved.  Salvation though is a result or a product of a revival. When those who are saved church members become revived, then you will see people saved.

Many people confuse revival services with a revival.  Churches can have revival services without having a revival.  On the other hand a church can have a revival without having revival services.

A revival is mainly for those who are already saved but need to become closer to the Lord.

How can we know if we need a revival?  Or how can an individual know if he needs to be revived?

Ask yourself this?  "If we were ever closer to the Lord than we are right now, than we are in a backslidden condition and we are in need of a revival.

Do you need reviving? Are you out of fellowship with God?  Can you be closer to God than you are right now?

How can we be revived?

If you talk to an expert revivalist one of the first things he will tell you about having a revival is that you need to get the people excited.  He will tell you that you need to get the best evangelist possible.  He will tell you that you need to have good entertainment; such as singing and specials.  But these things do not revive people nor will they bring about a revival on their own.

If we want to be revived, the revival must start with us as individuals.  Then our church will be revived and also the work that we are to do will be revived.

When British evangelist Gypsy Smith was asked how to start a revival, he said, "Go home, lock yourself in your room, kneel down in the middle of your floor.  Draw a chalk mark all around yourself and ask God to start the revival inside that chalk mark.  When He has answered your prayer, the revival will be on."  Even though we should pray for revival in our churches, we need not wait for a spectacular working of God's Spirit in others to experience His power in our own lives.  In fact, the Lord is ready right now to bless us personally if we will meet His conditions.

This morning I would like us to look at four essential elements in our text that are needed in order to have a genuine revival.