Text - Colossians 3:23-24
Colossians 3:23-24 Whatever you do, do it wholeheartedly as though you were working for your real master and not merely for humans. 24 You know that your real master will give you an inheritance as your reward. It is Christ, your real master, whom you are serving. (GW)
This morning I am going to continue my series of sermons on the subject of "attitude".
It is my prayer that this has been a subject that has benefited your daily Christian life.
So far in this series we have examined:
A. How negative attitudes affect one another.
B. What kind of positive attitudes we should have towards one another.
C. And what our attitude should be towards ourselves.
This morning I would like us to turn our attention to the kind of attitude we should have towards serving Jesus.
In the 16th century, John Newton said, "You cannot be right in the rest unless you think rightly of Jesus".
After this he testified that "If asked what of Jesus I think, though still my best thoughts are poor, I say 'he's my meat and my drink, my life and my strength, and much more; my shepherd, my trust and my friend; my savior from sin and from gall; my hope from beginning to end; my portion, my Lord and my all!'"
Within the KJV Bible the word "attitude" is not found. Yet, this does not mean that the concept or principle is foreign to the scriptures.
In fact, if the biblical writers, such as Paul and Peter, were writing in our day and time they would make much use of the word "attitude" within in the scriptures because it is suggested throughout the Bible.
For instance, within the Hebrew, the word "yester", which means "the thoughts of the heart', could also be translated "attitude" as well as the Greek word "dianoeitai" which means "to have a frame of mind".
This morning I would like us to look at five attitudes we need in order to serve Jesus.