How To Escape Spiritual Discipline

Staying Spiritually Straight - Part 2 of 4

Tonight we’re going to continue with our study in the Book of Jude on Staying Spiritually Straight and the title of my message is “How To Escape Spiritual Discipline.”

Last week we learned in verses 1-4 the challenge and warning Jude issued concerning the false teachers who were trying to get others to depart or defect from the faith.

Here in verses 5-7 Jude goes back into the Old Testament and gives us three examples of those who had turned from the truth and how God judged them.  In doing this he warns those he wrote to as well as us today that if God judged those he mentions in this passage for what they did, He will also judge and discipline those believers who follow their bad example.

In life, some people can’t be a good example to follow, so they end up being a horrible warning to avoid.  That’s what these three examples are in our text.

As we look at the examples Jude gives us, we need to learn 3 lessons that will help you escape God’s discipline in your life.