Text- Proverbs 11:6
This morning I am going to continue with my series of messages on "The Snares of Satan”. My text is found in Proverbs 11:6 and the title of my message this morning is, "The Snare of Lust".
In his book Three Steps Forward Two Steps Back, Charles Swindoll wrote, "Do not try to co-exist peacefully with temptation . . . If you are weakened by certain kinds of music, you are playing into the hands of Satan himself to listen to it. If you're weakened by certain . . . pictures that bring before your eyes things that build desires within you that you can't handle, then you're not counteracting sin and temptation. You're tolerating it. You're fertilizing it. You're prompting it. If the newsstand is something you can't handle, stay away from it! Quit clucking your tongue and shaking your head as you linger over the pages. If you're weakened by relationships with certain people, abstain from them . . . There's a word for those folks who linger and try to reason with lust: victim."
Proverbs 11:6 The righteousness of the upright will deliver them, but the unfaithful will be caught by their lust. (NKJV)
Within the Bible there are three words that are translated "lust" in our English Bibles, but one in particular is used more than the others. This word is the Greek word "epithumia" which denotes "a strong desire of any kind". Webster says that "lust" is "an inordinate carnal desire".
Many times when we think about what lust is we think about either lusting after a man or a woman but within the Bible we find many different things that can be lusted after.
This morning I’d like for us to look at how Satan tempts us to lust, the result of lust and how to conquer lust.