This morning I am going to begin a series of sermons titled “What You Need To Know About Family”.  Some of the topics that I will speak on concerning the family will be: 1) The Importance of the Family, 2) How to have a happy family, 3) Christian Parenting.

On the table in the church lobby as you come into the church you will find a box.  This box is provided for you.  If you have a question concerning something in particular that I cover in this series, or perhaps something that I didn't cover but is relevant to our study, I would like you to write it down on a piece of paper and place it in the box.  On the last Sunday night of this month I will address these questions and try to give you a biblical answer to them.

This morning the topic I am going to speak on is, “The Importance of the Family".  Is the family important?  Look at what God says about it.

Proverbs 11:29 Exploit or abuse your family, and end up with a fistful of air; common sense tells you it's a stupid way to live. (MSG)

Dr. F. H. Olert says, "It is not true that the public school is the strongest single influence in character education, or that radio, television, movies, and the comics mold the minds of children more than anything else.  Family associations still play the dominant role.  Consider the issue from the standpoint of time.  In terms of creative religious work, a child is in church about 52 hours annually.  He spends nearly 40 hours a week at school 9 months out of the year, but he is at home more than 60 hours a week.  The emotional leverage there is also greater!  Loyalties and affections kindled in that atmosphere provide a drive and instill a sense of authority found nowhere else.  The life situation, which is the best setting for education, is natural in the home.  Therefore, it still comes first in the formation of character and ideals."

Never before has there been more said about the family within books, magazines on television and radio.  Perhaps the reason for this is because the family unit is under greater attack today than over before.

In our present day and time we are witnessing the break down of the family unit at a faster rate than at any other time in the history of man.

What is it that has lead to the decline of the family?

    a.    The rise of atheistic anti-Christian humanism in schools and media
    b.    Immorality and promiscuity
    c.    Pornography
    d.    The permissive philosophy of child rearing
    e.    Marriage between gays
    f.    Divorce

Divorce has reached epidemic proportions with the number of family break ups doubling between 1970 and 1980.  In 1986 50% of all first time marriages end up in divorce, 55% of all second time marriages end up in divorce and 80-85% of all third time marriages end up in divorce.

It was once thought that if a couple remained married for at least 20 years their marriage was sealed for life. But since the 70's divorce is on a steady increase among such couples.  When it comes to divorce no one is exempt.

Just a few years ago divorce among Christians was almost unheard of.  Today however divorce has found a common place within the Lord's churches.

The World Book Encyclopedia says, 'Entire civilizations have survived or disappeared, depending on whether family life was strong or weak."

In light of these facts, more than ever before we need to understand the importance of the family.  Why did God give us the institution of the family?  Let’s look at three reasons today.