
This morning I am going to conclude my series of sermons that I have been preaching this month on the subject, "The Family".

It is my prayer that you have benefited from these sermons and that you have already begun to put into practice the lessons you have learned from God's word.

I want to remind you that tonight I will be addressing those questions that have been submitted to me and if you have any other questions that relate in some way to any of the messages I have preached or to the family in general please put them in the box on the table in the vestibule before you leave.

The title of my message this morning is, "How To Have A Happy Family".

1 Peter 3:8b You should be like one big happy family, full of sympathy toward each other, loving one another with tender hearts and humble minds. (LB)

A tourist once visited one of the most luxurious estates in America.  Within the house were Italian fireplaces, Belgian tapestries, Oriental rugs, and rare paintings.  He remarked to a friend, 'How happy the people must have been who lived here!' 'But they weren't,' the friend replied.  'Although they were millionaires, the husband and wife never spoke to each other. This place was a hotbed of hatred!  They had no love for God or for one another.'"

Today in families all over the united states you can hear children say, "Our parents never have time for us" or "They're always too busy".

In the same families you can hear parents remark that "Kids are not like they were when I was young, today they are brash, defiant, rebellious, and immoral. What have we come to?"

In reality, there is some truth in both of these comments.

Is this what God intended the family to be like?

The family ought to be a happy place, a place of security, a place of fond memories, where we can learn as children how to live like adults in the world.

Is this the kind of family you want?  Do you want to have a happy family that honors God, and lives harmoniously?

This morning I would like us to look at four essential ingredients for a happy family.