This morning the title of my sermon is "The Responsibility of a Wife and Mother".
Proverbs 31:10 A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds. (MSG)
Today, far too many people are interjecting their own thoughts and ideas on the workings of the family unit. As a result, the family institution is falling apart in many respects.
As families, if we would follow the guidelines and principles that are found within the Bible, we would be much better off for it.
Possibly, the most underrated person within the family is the wife and mother. A person once said that "A man works from sun to sun, but a woman's work is never done."
A cartoon showed a mother sprawled out in an overstuffed chair, her hair disheveled and a frazzled look on her face. Toys and crayons cluttered the floor. A carpetsweeper was propped against the wall, and a dustcloth hung from her hand. As her husband came in from work, briefcase in hand, he gave her a quizzical look. Exhausted, she commented, "I'll be glad when the kids are grown so I'll have time to be a good parent."
This morning I’d like us to look at what the Bible says about three responsibilities of a wife and mother.