Text - Romans 12:1-2

Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship.   2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. (NIV)


This morning I would like to speak to you on the subject of "Change".  Here in our text we find Paul telling us not to be "conformed to this world, but be transformed".

The word "transformed” in our text is the Greek word "metamorpho".  From this Greek word we get our English word "metamorphosis" which Webster says means, "to change".  This Greek word is in the imperative, which means it is a command.  What we find in this verse that was given to the church in Rome and is applicable for us today, is a command to change.

Today as God's people, we live in an ever changing world.  In our lifetime we have seen some of the most drastic changes that have ever occurred, take place.  In the cities that we live in we have seen many physical changes take place.  We have seen small towns turn into modern day metropolis.  We have seen cow fields turn into malls and department stores.  We have seen one story buildings turn into giant sky scrapers.

In our time we have seen many changes take place in the area of knowledge.  We have seen man's knowledge change so much that we can now put all the knowledge that is stored in books in a library on a micro computer chip the size of the point on the end of a needle.  In our life time we have seen man's knowledge change so greatly that what was once considered science fiction is now fact and is actually happening.  Truly man's knowledge has changed over the years.

All around us, life is changing at a dizzying pace. Even in the church, change is happening so fast that it can be tough to keep up.  Some of these changes are good and others are bad.  For example, to communicate more effectively with people, Christians have changed the way “church” is done.  Christians have also recognized the need to change their methods of reaching out to non-Christians with the gospel of Jesus.

Next week will mark my third year here as your pastor.  Within those three years I have seen many changes take place within our church.  Those of you who have been here at this church 10 to 20 years have seen many more changes take place within our church.

This morning I would like to speak to you about change.  How many of you have ever thought or said, "If I was in charge I’d change...  right away"?  This morning if you were told you only had a short time to live and within your remaining time you could make any changes you wanted to, no matter what it was, what would you change?

I am sure that some people if they had this kind of opportunity would change their car for a new one or maybe their home for a bigger and better one. Some might even want to change their wives or their husbands.  Someone once said, “When God starts changing things, He usually begins with changing us.”

But what would you change if you were told you could change anything you wanted to?