Text- Galatians 5:22-25


Imagine, a brand-new factory filled with the finest modern machinery -- everything that is needed to manufacture quality products. Then suppose a visitor came to the factory and commented on its beauty, but wondered why the machines were not running. No one knows why, so the man suggests that they oil the machines, they do, but nothing happens. A little latter another visitor comes to the factory and comments on the floor plan of the facilities, but wonders why the machines are not running. No one knows why, so the man suggests that they hang some pictures on the walls. They do, but still nothing happens. Others come and visit the factory, suggesting that they add stained glass windows, an organ, piano, even a steeple, but nothing works. The machinery is still idle. Finally, someone asks, "Did you turn on the power?"  Turn on the power? Of course, that's it.  Sure enough, when the power switch was turned on the machines began to roll. Soon the materials are shaped and processed and the factory begins to produce.

How simple!  What the power was to that factory, the Holy Spirit is to the life of a child of God.  Just as the factory could not produce anything without electrical power, neither can a child of God produce anything without the power of the Holy Spirit.

This morning our text is found in Galatians 5:22-26 and the title of my message is, "The Fruit of the Holy Spirit".

As we examine our text there are two things that I would like us to notice.