How To Avoid A Spiritual Disaster
Staying Spiritually Straight - Part 4 of 4
Tonight I’m going to finish our study in the Book of Jude. The theme for this series in Jude has been Staying Spiritually Straight and the title of tonight’s message is, “How To Avoid A Spiritual Disaster.”
There are many different kinds of disasters in life. Some are a result of nature like a hurricane, earthquake, fire or flood. Other disasters are a result of our enemies, like the terrorist attacks on 9/11. But another reason for disasters in life is because of our own doing. Anyone here ever had a financial disaster because of overspending? Anyone here ever have a work related disaster because of a mistake you made? Anyone here ever have a relationship disaster because of something you said or did?
A husband and wife had a human cannonball act in the circus. One day the wife ran off with the lion tamer. The husband was extremely dejected. The strong man asked him what he was going to do. The husband answered, "This is a disaster. I don't know where I'm going to find another woman of her caliber."
Just like there are physical disasters in life, there are also spiritual disasters. Jude wrote this letter to warn believers not to be deceived by false teachers. He wanted to show them how to keep from falling away from the faith. Here in our text tonight Jude mentions four ways to avoid a spiritual disaster in your life.