Our text this morning is found in 1 John 4:7-21.  If you have a Bible, or smart phone Bible, get it out and turn to that passage.  In these verses John uses the word “love” 28 different times.  Guess what he is going to talk about?

Possibly the one topic throughout history that more books have been written about, more songs have been sung about and more people have thought about more than any other single human need is love. It has been said that, "What the world needs now is love." Does that describe you?  All of us seek to have love.  We all need it.  Love is perhaps the most basic of all human needs.

I’d like you to write this simple equation down at the top of your outline.

Life - Love = Zero

What difference can love make in your life? How can your life be changed by love? How can you experience love? These are just a few of the questions we’re going to  answer as we look at, “How To Know God Loves You.”

The first way you can know God loves you is...