Wired For Worship

Good morning!  Welcome to week two of the 30-Day Church Challenge!  During our 30 Day Challenge we’re learning that challenges are a good thing. Last week we made a commitment to do this 30 Day Challenge together! I asked you to commit to attending the worship service each week, to reading the short daily devotional in the 30-Day Challenge book, and to join a small group.

The objective of our 30-Day Challenge is to discover and engage in the five purposes of the church. We’re learning how to reach our God-given potential as individuals as well as a church, and we’re strengthening our relationships with God and with one another.

At the end of our 30 Day Challenge we want to see church not just as a place to come to, but as a family to belong to. That’s the vision we have for the next thirty days ... and even after that.

Each week, during my message, I’m giving you a challenge related to the five purposes of the church found in Acts 2:42-47. Last week I shared with you that one of the five purposes of the church is community. We looked at the importance of being part of an authentic community of faith where you can personally experience love, encouragement, and support.

Last week’s challenge was to commit to joining a small group where you can know and be known, love and be loved, serve and be served.  So, how many of you are in a small group? If you’re not, it’s not too late.  You can still join a group and reach your God-given potential by connecting with God and His family.

Today we’re going to look at the purpose of worship. Are you ready to do some more learning today? If so, say, “Yes, I’m up for it!”

(ER)  Acts 2:46-47  They worshiped together at the Temple each day...  47  all the while praising God... (NLT)

All of us are wired for worship.  How many of you have a cell phone?  Please get it out and show it to me.  I have my iPhone here [hold it up)]. I use it every day, for a whole bunch of things. I make phone calls with it, text with it, check my calendar, weather, news, and e-mail with it. I even use it as a GPS when I’m driving.  The reason why it does these things is because that’s how it’s wired.  That’s what it was created to do.

Just like your cell phone is wired for communication, you and I are wired for worship.  The truth is everybody worships something.  God put it in your DNA.  And if you don’t worship God, you’re going to find a substitute to worship.

So, the question is, “What are you worshiping?”  Some of you are worshiping your career.  You’re living for your job.  Some of you are worshiping retirement.  Others are worshiping pleasure, some of you are worshiping sex.  Some of you are worshiping another person.

The greatest temptation in life and the worst sin you could ever commit is the temptation to worship something other than God.  It’s the temptation Satan used on Jesus.  And if he had a bigger temptation, he would have used it!

So, What Happens When We Worship God? Four things that are described in our text this morning from Isaiah 6:1-8.  The first thing that happens when you truly worship God is...