Since this morning is the first Sunday of the month it is also our monthly theme day when we emphasize the theme of our church for 1996.
This year we are stressing the importance of making Jesus the lord of your life and I have been preaching on the various areas that Jesus should be our lord.
For instance in the month of January I spoke to you concerning the doctrine of lordship so we would understand that Jesus is lord of all.
In February we considered what the Bible said concerning Jesus being the lord of our individual life.
Then in March we looked at what the bible said concerning Jesus being the lord of our church life.
This morning our text is found in 1 Corinthians 10:31 and the title of my message is, "Jesus, Lord of Your Behavior."
A man was driving through the country and saw some pigs behaving very strangely. Out of curiosity he stopped at the farmhouse to talk to the farmer. He had seen the whole herd of pigs running back and forth across the field for no apparent reason. The farmer explained in a raspy voice, "I used to call the hogs at feeding time, but my voice failed so I could no longer holler loud enough, so then I started knocking on an old hollow log. Now the crazy woodpeckers around here are about to run my hogs to death."
This morning I would like us to consider how our behavior will be affected when Jesus is our lord.
In doing this there are three relationships that are involved in our behavior.