New Year Sermons

New Year sermons are very important to help the church stay focused on your goals and vision.  They help give direction for the New Year as well as highlight the blessings of God in the past. At iFindSermons, we have a great selection of sermons specifically geared for the New Year.

Each sermon is packed with jokes, quotes and illustrations to reinforce the concept of the New Year.

Sermons such as "A New Beginning For A New Year," "How To Benefit From The New Year?," "How To Do A New Year Evaluation," "How To Make The Most Of Your Time" and many others will give you great messages you can adapt to your congregation. How many times have you started to prepare a sermon and wondered what you could say different than what you have said in past years? We have great ideas in a format that is easy to personalize and use.

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Many ministers like to connect the New Year with the proper use of time as well as the need to set priorities in your life.  One of our New Year sermons on iFindSermons is "Life's Most Important Priorities." It ties the two events together in a way that will hold the attention of the audience.

The New Year sermons we offer at iFindSermons will provide inspiration and spiritual fulfillment. You can subscribe to download 52 sermons of your choosing for $75 or you can download any sermon for $5 each.

New Year Sermons and Resources